~ Simon

Am 01.06.2015 um 17:50 schrieb paulwmor...@gmail.com:
But I think I prefer the following which has a consistent parallel
structure across all the categories and where the new style of whiteout
is named in a way that conveys that it is the default, with the old box
style getting a more specialized name.  This requires convert-ly rules
and for users to learn the new names, but I think it's worth it.

Grob Properties:
  whiteout (new style, T/F or numbers)
  whiteout-box (old style, T/F, could allow numbers for padding)
Markup functions:
  \whiteout (new style)
  \whiteout-box (old style)
SCM Functions:
  stencil-whiteout (new style)
  stencil-whiteout-box (old style, optional number arg for padding)
  markups: \whiteout --> \whiteout-box
  grob properties: whiteout --> whiteout-box

(Hmmm... seems a convert-ly rule that would replace all "whiteout" with
"whiteout-box" would do the trick here for grob properties, markup
functions, and scm functions.)


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