On 04/05/15 23:35, Carl Sorensen wrote:
> On 5/4/15 4:25 PM, "Dan Eble" <d...@faithful.be> wrote:
>>> But anyways, the main point of this email is to point out that pushing
>>> debian could cost you developers - I don't know how many people like me
>>> there are out there, but if I have to use a debian-based system my
>>> reaction is likely to be "thanks but no thanks". (That said, I think a
>> The data point I can contribute is that anything beats three days of
>> installing Lilypond dependencies on OS X by trial and error with
>> fink/homebrew/whatever.  VM FTW!
> I used to have an OS/X setup for development, but I couldn't maintain it.
> So now I use Frescobaldi on OS/X for production work, and do my
> development in a LilyDev VM.
> We're not forcing Debian/Ubuntu (as far as I can see, LilyDev3 is just
> Debian, no Ubuntu involved).  We're just providing something that works
> out of the box.
If you go back to my email, the bit I quoted was "We are much stronger
about recommending the use of LilyDev than we were when the CG was
originally written, so perhaps it's time to make a change here."

So it sounds like the documentation about setting up your own system
could be about to be shrunk and/or deprecated.

Okay, that probably wasn't how it was meant to come over, but for
whatever reason there are people like me who either (a) want to set up
their own system, or (b) want to avoid Debian and derivatives, and if
the documentation suddenly starts pushing you to download a Debian
virtual machine then that's not a good idea.

Basically, what I'm saying is "don't assume everyone is using Debian
and/or lilydev when you revamp the CG", because that's where that quote
makes it look you're heading.


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