Sorry if this raises old stuff again.
For me many of your requirwments could be rather easily (and partially 
automatically ) be handled with an integrated system of code, review and 
issues, i.e. a system that provides something like pull requests.

In addition to many of your list items this would also make it natural that the 
reviewed code *is* the merged.


Am 4. Mai 2015 16:57:03 MESZ, schrieb Phil Holmes <>:
>As promised, a starter list of requirements for the issue handling
>to allow us to check potential replacements to Google code.
>1.     Allow creation of a new sequentially numbered issue, with 
>text describing the issue’s title and details
>2.     Allow tagging the issue with a range of types 
>(e.g. Type-Critical = Defect which blocks a stable release, 
>Type-Maintainability = Hinders future development)
>3.     Allow tagging the issue with life-cycle stages 
>(e.g. Accepted, started, fixed)
>4.     Allow tagging issues with patch status
>5.     Allow display of issues at different lifecycle stages 
>(issues open, issues to be verified, all issues)
>6.     Allow display of issues of different types 
>(e.g. Critical, Documentation, …)
>7.     Allow image attachment and display
>8.     Allow non-image attachments
>9.     Prevent non-registered users from adding issues
>10.    Allow registered admins to add users
>11.    Allow users to add comments to existing issues
>12.    Provide an API to allow patchy to find issues with new patches, 
>to detect the URL with the Rietveld link and to update the patch status
>once the patch is tested
>13.    Provide an API for git-cl to allow automatic creation of issues
>to track patches.
>14.    Allow export of the issue database in CSV form
>15.    Allow issues to be closed as duplicates
>16.    Allow issues to be blocked by other issues
>17.    Email updates to (preferably)
>18.    Allow users to watch an issue and be informed of updates by email
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