On May 3, 2015, at 16:42 , David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Dan Eble <d...@faithful.be> writes:
>> Adding a wrapper context will have undesirable effects.
> The question is what requirements or mechanisms we could employ in order
> to remove the undesirable effects.
> For example, it could be possible to define a special translator for
> subcontexts that diverts (all? all but specified?) overrides to the
> parent context.

That seems like it would help.

> Or generally let "Bottom" overrides register at the "topmost" "Bottom”.

That would still require mentioning Bottom in the override, right?  If so, 
that’s ugly.  (Otherwise, it’s not so bad.)

> If a wrapper context would be a good tool except for "undesirable
> effects", addressing those seems like a good idea, probably not just for
> this application.

I can’t fully support that statement yet.  The handling of multi-measure rests 
is still an area of uncertainty.  My wrapper-context experiment did not show 
any mmrest problems in the regression tests, but I wonder about the coverage; 
but I intend to let that rest for now while I try the part-specific split-list 

> The part combiner is nowhere near where I consider it a smooth and
> elegant tool in the box.  There is a lot of room for experimentation but
> also frustration and dead ends.

No kidding.

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