2015-04-28 0:20 GMT+02:00 Trevor Daniels <t.dani...@treda.co.uk>:
> I'd like to second everything that Carl writes below,

me too!
(and I thought writing some hundreds lines of new  code in my recent
patch would have been a lot of work. Looks like I'm playing in a
sandbox ...) lol

> and add my thanks to you, David.



> Trevor
> Carl Sorensen wrote Monday, April 27, 2015 11:07 PM
>> On 4/27/15 3:09 AM, "David Kastrup" <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>>As things currently stand, I suspect that the current mechanism for
>>>creating Scheme engravers with their own variables (namely providing a
>>>function creating an engraver description) does not have likable
>>>performance characteristics and, more importantly, does not really work
>>>reasonably at all with regard to registering Scheme engravers like C++
>>>engravers so that they can be called by name and documented in the same
>> I'm totally supportive of developing a way to register Scheme engravers so
>> they can be documented and be full members of the LilyPond family.
>>>I'll probably come up with something GOOPS-related eventually and the
>>>closure mechanism for creating Scheme engravers will be deprecated.
>>>At any rate, I am starting over _again_ but I think that I am now at the
>>>stage where my plan of execution is nicely streamlined and "Listeners"
>>>from both C++ and Scheme level (as well as their creation from the
>>>bowels of the respective engraver types) are quite straightforward to
>>>deploy and debug and don't rely on all the C level macro hackery.
>> That sounds like a great thing.  Like so much of your work, it makes a
>> huge difference in maintainability and future development.  Maybe not so
>> much difference in the current function (perhaps none at all), but a huge
>> difference in going forward.  We are so fortunate to have you working on
>> this kind of thing.
>>>So in short, I've been tending the most important resource a good
>>>programmer should have in his possession: the wastebasket.  And I expect
>>>people to ultimately be glad about all the code I have thrown away once
>>>I get to throwing away the current code we work with.
>> I'm looking forward to having you throw away some code and replace it with
>> much more easily-maintained and -extended code.
>> Thanks for your hard work!
>> Carl
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