Hi. I started to rewrite chord-namings and stumbled over a problem in chord-generic-names.ly
/Documentation/included/chord-names-jazz.ly with uncommented Banter-style is broken. At least since 2.12.3 The problem is in 'step->markup-plusminus' Here you see the old code commented and a possible patch inserted: (define (step->markup-plusminus pitch) (make-line-markup (list (make-simple-markup (number->string (step-nr pitch))) (make-simple-markup ;(case (step-alteration pitch) ; ((DOUBLE-FLAT) "--") ; ((FLAT) "-") ; ((NATURAL) "") ; ((SHARP) "+") ; ((DOUBLE-SHARP) "++")) (case (step-alteration pitch) ((-1) "--") ((-1/2) "-") ((0) "") ((1/2) "+") ((1) "++")) )))) case uses eqv? to compare. (guile-manual) (step-alteration pitch) returns: -1 or -1/2 or 0 or 1/2 or 1 (display (eqv? -1/2 FLAT), etc returns #t Thus I've no clue why the old code fails. Any hint? Cheers, Harm _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel