Reviewers: , Message: This patch is posted for comment and improvement rather than a candidate for immediate inclusion in the code base. Some caveats/issues/questions:
\includes are used for testing; later, perhaps after settling on the file names, these may not be necessary. Indenting is problematic, due to the heavy mixing of Scheme and Lily code. is actually pure Scheme, and perhaps should be recast as base-tkit.scm and located elsewhere. There are no regression tests and no documentation at present. These would need to be added. Description: Issue 3799: New built-in template and template framework Add kits as aids for providing built-in templates ("tkits") Replace the template with one built from the tkits, which corrects some errors and extends the facilities: - fixes issue 4192 - Women and Men one-voice staves added - Soprano and Tenor music may now be omitted without error - midi instruments may be specified - midi channel mapping is by instrument - midi instruments are by voice, not staff Please review this at Affected files (+548, -183 lines): A ly/ A ly/ A ly/ M ly/ A ly/ A ly/ A ly/ _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list