Thanks for all the info and support! I am happy there is interest in the
program. In response to Urs' first reply, it seems as though lily <-> xml is
the more GSoC-oriented project. I take it that the tie formatting project is
too large? Does alternative involve implementing heuristics that Janek
Worchol prepared?
I'm comfortable in C, Java, and OCaml. I've done some course work in Python
& Perl, and last summer I spent my time learning PHP, JavaScript, HTML/CSS
for a web development job. I come from a math background and enjoy
functional programming, so I am looking forward to learning Scheme over the
next two months (and C++).
As a music student I am particularly enthused about working on lily <-> xml,
as I think I understand that this is necessary for Lilypond to be used in
tandem with other notation software. 

>From reading the discussion it seems as though using the Guile module for
SXML->XML is the more practical solution. Though I'm not up to speed, so I
can't really conclude the best approach.

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