you are right, I just wanted to answer fast between 2 appointments.
Here it is
2015-01-27 17:07 GMT-05:00, James Lowe <p...@gnu.org>:
> On 27/01/15 18:25, Ali Cuota wrote:
>> Here it is.
> Hardly a 'tiny' example
> http://lilypond.org/tiny-examples.html
> Can you at least get rid of the cruft that isn't anything to do with the
> problem? I.e. a single file would help to determine if the problem is to
> do with the 'include' function or not.
> Are all those lyric override settings necessary to show the problem, is
> the ragged-last setting needed? ditto system count and all those context
> overrides etc etc etc).
> The point is that the more complex your example the less likely that it
> will even be looked at let alone acknowledged as a bug.
> James
\version "2.18.0"
\include "dotted.ly"
\include "grego.ly"
\version "2.18.0"
\score {
\relative c'' { \time 6/8 \partial 4.
a4. a4. \bar "||"
bla bla
\version "2.18.0"
\include "gregorian.ly"
\score {
\new VaticanaVoice = "cantus"
\clef "vaticana-do3"
\[ d \pes e \]
\new Lyrics
\lyricsto "cantus"
Re -- bla -- bla.
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