On 2015/01/27 07:52:05, lemzwerg wrote:
On 2015/01/27 07:26:53, dak wrote:
> It seems to me like this number-pair consists of two settings that
> always be adjusted independently.  Wouldn't it make more sense to
make a
> separate property here?  That way, the user would not need to
remember and
> restate the setting he is not interested in.

IMHO it's better to logically stick stuff together.  We already have
far too
much properties, and in this particular case I doubt that the user
will change
the values very often so I think the benefits of having a single
property are
exceeding the potential disadvantages.

You can "logically stick stuff together" by naming it appropriately,
making them come next to each other in alphabet and thus in
documentation.  You state "the benefits of having a single property are
exceeding the potential disadvantages" but don't actually name a single
such benefit.

The main problem with having "far too many properties" is that one has a
lot of individual controls.  But you don't actually propose having fewer
controls but rather making it impossible to use one control without
specifying a value for the other one.  That's not a simplification but a
complication.  And we are not talking about something where the two
values are related like in an interval.

At any rate, this discussion may be idle: it is likely that we don't
need two separate settings anyway if it is feasible to align the whole
accent stack based on its notehead-closest member.  The only time when
this might not work is when stem and accents are on the same side of the
notehead and wide accents like -- (or was that -_ ?) come into play.  I
don't think this should happen often, but at least with double-stemmed
noteheads it would be hard to avoid.


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