On 2015/01/15 12:01:55, Knut_Petersen_t-online.de wrote:
On 15.01.2015 10:45, mailto:d...@gnu.org wrote:
> Reliable?  If I remember correctly, the tool used for combining the
> fonts (ppdfsizeopt.py)

Ghostscript does the font merging.


BTW: All this has been documented in the commit message of the
patch sent to lilypond-devel:

Internal hyperlinks are fully preserved with current ghostscript git

External hyperlinks (GoToR) _to_ a file processed this way are broken.
Fixing this would require major changes to ghostscript.

External hyperlinks _from_ a file processed this way to other pdfs are
preserved if the reader program isn't broken (acroread is not broken
in this respect, evince is).

For more details see Ghostscript bug #695747

If external hyperlinks from our documentation PDF to other files stop
working, we cannot make this the default way of building our
documentation.  The version of Ghostscript that is pertinent here is not
the development master but mainly the version used in GUB, and
secondarily the version of Ghostscript we expect to be current in
GNU/Linux or other distributions that build LilyPond natively.  There is
some settling-down time as they are unlikely to use any 2.19 version
(it's a development version, after all), but basically there needs to be
a reasonable chance of the Ghostscript versions being fine by the time
we release version 2.20.


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