
as asked on the -user list I am looking for a way to collect the positions of all breaks in a LilyPond score. http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2015-01/msg00185.html suggests that at the time engravers are doing their work the line and page breaking hasn't been performed so engravers can't help with that. But I'm quite sure LilyPond *has* a way to produce this information somehow.

The goal is to find a way to recompile just a certain page or system using the skipTypesetting property, which works well for entering or editing music as long as the changes don't require changed breakings (which would then require a complete recompilation, resulting in a new list of breaks.

So I have
a) the question if there already *is* a way to retrieve the moments (barnumber plus measure-position) of all explicit and implicit breaks in a score and write them to a log file? b) if it's confirmed that currently there is no way to do so please add this as a feature request to the tracker.

I hope to make this an editing option (in Frescobaldi, but it could be adapted to other editing environments as well) that can dramatically reduce waiting times while editing the *content* of a LilyPond score, making the overall user experience significantly smoother. I hope that this may significantly increase acceptance of LilyPond with potential users.


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