Apart from the onraging discussion and/or non-discussion on bn for b
natural on issue 4076
<URL:https://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=4076>, IĀ found
another thing that I find dissatisfactory, namely the default _output_
of music expressions.  We have for

\language "english"

\displayLilyMusic \transpose c cs { c d e f g a b }

the output

lilypond /tmp/ugh.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.19.16
Processing `/tmp/ugh.ly'
  csharp dsharp esharp fsharp gsharp asharp bsharp

I am not convinced that the verbose english style is desirable here, in
particular since we have for

\language "english"

\displayLilyMusic \transpose c cqs { c d e f g a b }

the output

GNU LilyPond 2.19.16
Processing `/tmp/ugh.ly'
  cqs dqs eqs fqs gqs aqs bqs

Now one could state that this should be cured by giving verbose names to
quarter accidentals as well, but I think that this will lead to music
that more often than not reads other than one would type it.

So I think we should likely reorder the English notename language such
that the default output is the abbreviated form.  Thoughts?

David Kastrup

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