Hi all,

I just had an idea and would like to get your opinion on it.

I just read about the " ly:one-line-breaking" function and thought it would be a good idea to have a "ly:one-page-breaking" complement for it too. This would produce a score with regular line length and paper width, but on one long page. This could be interesting for applications that intend to scroll scores instead of turning pages, and it would completely take away the need for calculating page breaks. This could be used in "development mode" context as long as you don't care about layout and only deal with the content of a score.

This could be complemented with a mode where LilyPond takes the absolutely simplest approach to line breaking, i.e. not trying to consider adjacent systems regarding their density but simply fills a line until it is completed, stretches it (if not ragged-right = ##t) and continues to the next.

I think both these options could lead to faster compilations in context where you don't care about layout (yet).

Any opinions?

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