On 2014/09/23 14:17:11, dak wrote:
So I propose we junk the warning if we cannot place it accurately:
people who
want whole-measure warnings are supposed to use barchecks anyway.

If the only issue were wholeness of measures, I would agree; however, if
there are other problems such as incorrect bar numbers, it would be nice
to have a warning, because that is not going to be caught by a common
bar check.  Do you agree?

I think "\time will start a new measure, follow it with \partial if
you don't
want that" is a clear rule and probably not all that different from
what people
would be expect/write without reading the manual previously.

If the user wanted to start a new measure, why was the first measure
left incomplete?

Setting measurePosition to 0 on \time doesn't work.  It engraves a bar
number (value same as the previous bar number, without parentheses) at
the time change (when I also have \bar "||").  I do not want a bar
number there because it's not the beginning of a measure in the pieces
I'm trying to engrave.

If you want to require \partial for my use cases, what works is to set
measurePosition to the length of the new measure.  That becomes a
problem if the user really wants to start a new measure (which doesn't
make sense); omitting \partial is not good enough because no bar line is
engraved unless the user writes \bar explicitly, and then if a
parenthesized bar number is engraved, it is wrong.  Setting the position
to a useless default is rather dissatisfying compared to finishing the
measure by default.

Your comment about grace notes went over my head, but it is not
forgotten, and I will think about it when I have more time.


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