On Sun, 21 Sep 2014, David Kastrup wrote:
> Don Armstrong <d...@debian.org> writes:
> > Could you point me at a list of guile 2.0 bugs which are affecting
> > lilypond? Having that list handy would help me convince the guile
> > maintainer (and also Debian's release managers and security) that
> > there were valid reasons to keep guile 1.8 for another release of
> > Debian.
> At the current point of time I cannot point to anything that I
> consider beyond workaround. There are a number of stunners (for a
> recent one, check out
> <URL:http://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=18495>) that make it
> likely that no application really uses the C APIs for interfacing data
> into GUILE all that much.

Heh. Yeah... that's pretty bad.

Probably following 
is good enough, then.
> I am currently in the situation that when starting the regtests with
> 10 processes, the processes crash one by one, with the last one
> lasting a bit over a minute.


> It's not clear how long I'll take to wear down the bugs. Half of them
> are other things that go "ugh", like GUILE being of the opinion it
> knows how to deal with various character encodings, reinterpreting
> strings as byte streams and vice versa in situations where it does not
> make sense.
> I'll probably have to tell GUILE "everything is in Latin-1" as a first
> approach which will, of course, lead to its own share of problems.  To
> be fair, most of them are already in GUILE1.  But at least they are
> reasonably well-understood, as opposed to what GUILE2 does.

Thanks for the additional information! (And sorry if my original e-mail
sounded like I was pressuring y'all to do work; I'm just trying to keep
lilypond in Debian.)

Don Armstrong                      http://www.donarmstrong.com

I always thought
violence didn't solve anything
until one day it did.
 -- a softer world #470

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