On 04-09-2014 06:46, David Kastrup wrote:
Villum Sejersen<v...@privat.tdcadsl.dk> writes:
root@Villums14:/usr/local/src/lilypond/build# git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
But since sept. 2.:
root@Villums14:/usr/local/src/lilypond/build# make --silent
make[1]: *** No rule to make target
'/usr/local/src/lilypond/lily/include/ly-smobs.icc', needed by
'out/translator-dispatch-list.o'. Stop.
recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
make clean
Sometimes dependencies change and you cannot merely recompile.
Thank you very much.
I did not think of this, because ./autogen.sh did not report any errors.
'make clean' was not sufficient alone;
For some obscure reason I had to do a 'make distclean' first.
But now both application and docs compile. On my old AMD Athlon X2 the latter
takes about an hour. :)
med venlig hilsen
Villum Sejersen
Nørregade 1 A
DK-4500 Nykøbing Sjælland
mobil +45 30 34 03 44
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