On Sun, 31 Aug 2014 00:14:11 -0700, <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
On 2014/08/31 06:58:47, Keith wrote:
\set instrumentCueName = "Flute"
This is the *other* use of instrumentSwitch,
which I'll probably put back to a <>^\markup
I think one of the points of the instrument switches was that you could
do as many as you liked in a row (namely, attaching the instrument
switch to the start of any music variable to be used for a particular
instrument) without triggering extraneous switch messages.
<>^\markup would seem to defeat that part of the original design. While
we don't need the instrumentSwitch command as such, the respective
engravers weeding out duplication still serve a purpose.
This particular engraver seems to try, but fails, to suppress repeated
identical settings. (Maybe incorrect use of Scheme's eq? to compare the
{ \set instrumentCueName = "hautbois"
\set instrumentCueName = "hautbois"
\set instrumentCueName = "cor.Ang."
\set instrumentCueName = "cor.Ang."
\set instrumentCueName = "cor.Ang."
c'4 }
However, the (mis)use of instrumentCueName for labeling the instrument that is
playing a cue (the topic of the documentation linked above) would not seem to
benefit from suppression of repeated settings. The use-case is something like
oboeNotes = \relative c'' {
\new CueVoice { \set instrumentCueName = "flute" }
\cueDuring #"flute" #UP { R1 }
g2 c,
\new CueVoice { \set instrumentCueName = "flute" }
\cueDuring #"flute" #UP { R1 }
g2 c, }
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