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commit 59a842eba0f7ad78289a58a7dfa8fa786cdf11ed
Author: Janek Warchoł <lemniskata.bernoull...@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Mar 27 17:20:03 2013 +0100

    Issue 2245: always align dynamics and lyrics on "main" notehead

    Until now, LyricTexts and DynamicTexts had their X-parents set to
    the first NoteHead in the NoteColumn.  This resulted in inconsistent
    alignment - placement of lyrics and dynamics depended on the order
    of notes in the input:

    % this was aligned differently
    { <f' g'>1\p <g' f'>\p }
    \addlyrics { la la }

    By using NoteColumns themselves as the X-parents, we make sure that
    the input order won't matter.  Since the NoteColumn contains all
    (including suspended ones, which usually should be ignored when
    as well as Flags and some other objects, we cannot use its X-extent
directly -
    instead, we add a function for calculating X-extent of the "main"
part of the
    NoteColumn, i.e. X-extent of the non-suspended NoteHeads
(represented by the
    NoteHead furthest away from the stem).

Thanks for review!

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