Hi list,
in the following example, I want to align the FretBoards to the
bar lines. Now they are centered over the first beat in each measure.
\version "2.19.0"
\paper {
indent = 0
ragged-right = ##f
frets = {
< d'\3 g'\2 b'\1 >1 | < g\4 cis'\3 e'\2 > | < cis'\3 fis'\2 a'\1 > |
< fis\4 b\3 d'\2 > |
< b\3 e'\2 g'\1 > | < e\4 ais\3 cis'\2 > | < a\3 d'\2 fis'\1 > | <
a\4 dis'\3 fis'\2 >
chordnames = \chordmode {
e1:m7 | a:7 | d:maj7 | g:maj7 |
cis:m7.5- | fis:7 | b:m7 | b:7 |
\layout {
\context {
\override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.fret-count = #8
\override FretBoard.size = #1.5
\score {
\new FretBoards { \frets }
\new ChordNames { \chordnames }
\new Staff \with { \omit Stem } { \improvisationOn \repeat unfold
32 b'4 \bar ":|." }
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