Am 16.05.2014 09:41, schrieb
On 2014/05/16 07:06:46, uliska wrote:
It took a while because in the meantime Peter Bjuhr joined efforts,
and we
implemented the option of printing hyphens between the time
signatures. While I
don't like this and wouldn't use it personally, it's explicitly
suggested by

Additional changes:
- change to \fractionList that only returns the stencil
   for overriding TimeSignature.stencil.
   This makes the function more versatile
   (also works when user moved Timing away from the
   Score context).
- Issue a compiler warning when the argument doesn't
   consist of a list of two-element lists.

One missing thing:
I think the appearance of the hyphen should be configurable but I'm
not sure
about a consistent way to do so.
What I would be able to implement is checking if the user has defined
variables, and if he did use their content to define the appearance.
But I don't
think that's clean design and interface. I would prefer the user doing
\override, but I don't know how/if that can be achieved.
But I would not make this feature (i.e. its lack) block the patch.

Well, we have \omit already.  What if we had
\appearance [markup] [grobname or music]

Which would basically be the syntactic sugar for overriding the stencil
with an appropriate grob-interpret-markup?

That way one could just define some markup function for formatting time
signatures and use it either in markup contexts or indeed for overriding
a time signature.

If I understand you correctly this would mean that one would write

\appearance \fractionList #'((6 8)(5 4)) Score.TimeSignature

instead of

\override Score.TimeSignature.stencil = \fractionList #'((6 8)(5 4))

If yes, then I' consider this an improvement because "overriding the stencil" is frightening to new users, I can tell you ...

The name should be a verb, though, not a noun. We _do_ override, we _do_ revert etc., so we should _do_ change the appearance. I'm not too sure \appear would be a useful suggestion ...

But if I'm not mistaken this isn't relevant to the current patch.
My question about appearance of the hyphen means:

We have a function to create the markup used to override the stencil.
_Inside_ that function we have code to draw the hyphens, and this uses hardcoded values for length and thickness as well as the padding of the hyphen. It would be nice to override the used values without having to supply them to each function invocation.


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