David Nalesnik wrote:
> https://codereview.appspot.com/84730043/diff/1/input/regression/tuplet-number-kneed-beam-horizontal-fit.ly#newcode10
> input/regression/tuplet-number-kneed-beam-horizontal-fit.ly:10:
> Don't you mean only the second tuplet number should be below the
> noteheads and not between the stems?

I didn't, but I should have. :) I was confused by its behavior with
\override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t, where both brackets
follow the beams and shouldn't.

> Maybe I should just scrap the error altogether.

Yes, because it doesn't indicate anything suspicious. Tuplet numbers
don't need to go close to the beams; that's just one possible place to
put them, and it's OK if they won't fit there.

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