Sometimes you also need the other way round. When you have started a new branch 
(e.g. because you have to review your code) or even when you want to submit the 
same branch from a different computer you have to run git cl issue old-number 
to associate the branch to an existing issue.


"Benkő Pál" <> schrieb am 17.03.2014:
>hi Paul,
>> I submitted a patch and I am sorry to say that somehow it was added
>to the
>> wrong issue:
>> And a new issue (with the wrong title and content) was created in the
>> code tracker:
>> It seems that my local git branch was still associated with that
>> issue, the one I had submitted a patch for before.  I was using
>yes, git-cl associates the rietveld issue permanently to a branch
>(in your ~/lilypond-git/.git/config); it seems you do all your work on
>the same branch again and again.  you can reset the issue after push
>$ git cl issue 0
>my workflow is to open a new topic branch each time, then delete it
>when content reaches origin/master.
>lilypond-devel mailing list

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