Hey team,

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On Mar 2, 2014, at 3:38 PM, Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> 

> Hi Jan-Peter (et al.),
> Your edition engraver is amazing, IMO.
> Here is page 1 of the Vocal Book for my musical “Fairy Tale Ending”:
> <FTE_vocalbook_pg1.pdf>
> There are ten tweaks on this page. (Yes, there ultimately need to be a few 
> more… but it’s a testament to how awesome Lilypond is that it looks like this 
> with only ten small manual adjustments!)
> Leveraging the edition engraver, I have removed those tweaks from the content 
> — where they were embedded using a frustratingly complex system of tags — and 
> put them in the presentation file where they belong; the presentation files 
> for the other five standard outputs (i.e., Full Score, Piano/Conductor Score, 
> Piano Part, Percussion Part, and Bass Part) will, of course, have their own 
> set of tweaks.
> Finally, a way to truly separate content from presentation.
> Thank you, Jan-Peter — you have provided me with the biggest improvement in 
> my Lilypond workchain since perhaps my very first download of Lilypond.  =)
> Cheers,
> Kieren.

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