Am 24.02.2014 00:45, schrieb Janek Warchoł:
2014-02-24 0:28 GMT+01:00 Urs Liska <>:
I talked with this professor as part of my recent "lobbying" activities, and
asked if it would be possible to give students projects of that kind. He was
very welcoming and told me that he's always looking for ideas for the
students who don't have ideas by themselves (ts, ts ...).
As they have the computer science and the musicological institute which
don't work together as intensely as hoped, he is quite interested in
supporting projects that may promote the relationship of both.

Cool!  Well, it may turn out that noone will actually start working on
lilypond (i tried something similar with my university, but without
success - yet) but it's defintiely woth trying.  if everyone did this
with their university, i'm pretty sure that we would eventually find
interested people :)

I corresponded with someone at Edirom ( who wrote that he has the idea of writing a MEI-to-LilyPond converter, exactly with the idea (I assume) of integrating LilyPond in a scholarly workflow. "In dem Zusammenhang wäre es aber vor allem spannend, Lilypond in einem Web-Kontext sinnvoll einbauen zu können. Hier scheint sich die Situation zwar inzwischen etwas gebessert zu haben, war bei meiner letzten Recherche aber immer noch alles andere als befriedigend." -> "In this context it would be particularly interesting to integrate LilyPond in a web context. The situation seems to have improved but when I looked into it for the last time it still was far from satisfying." I replied that LilyPond can of course be called from a web server application, but I think from that kind of perspective it would be especially useful to have LilyPond behave like a library.

And I think there really could be some interest from this area of "business". They are all involved in "encoding" of music and therefore with text formats, so this shouldn't be the fundamental barrier that it is in many other areas.

[Maybe I should at this point make one thing clear: Of course I know that all the stuff I'm thinking and talking about isn't "the" purpose of LilyPond, and when I'm pondering about improvements or extensions in that direction I don't want to say that's what LilyPond should be heading to. But it is _one_ important application of LilyPond, and it could be an area where one could get money or developers from.]

So, i'd personally lean towards creating a big "lilypond-notes" repo
that everyone from LilyPond community can access.  Or maybe we could
put this in an existing repo, like ?  Opinions? ?

Actually I was thinking about putting there other lily stuff as well
(so that we don't end up with gazillion differeent repos):
- notes about lily promotional materials
- my ties research
- my various other notes
- unfinished stuff (for example unfinished docs like this one

So, what about
> lilypond-notes,


or staging-area,


or development-resources?

My favourite of this list.



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