On 1/12/14 8:04 AM, "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net> wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net>
>To: "James" <pkx1...@gmail.com>; "Werner LEMBERG" <w...@gnu.org>; "Devel"
>Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2014 1:32 PM
>Subject: Re: fixing German's Wikipedia entry of LilyPond
>Fairly certain the clash is caused by the crossing music.  I'm working on
>improved version, closer to the version on youtube.

Is there any reason not to put the tuplet brackets on the upper staff in
bar 2 *below* the staff?  It seems to me they would be clearer that way.



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