Urs Liska wrote Friday, December 20, 2013 9:28 AM

> Am 19.12.2013 11:32, schrieb lilyp...@googlecode.com:

>> Patch counted down - please push
> What should I do now?
> The CG says I should "send the patch to my mentor", but obviously this 
> isn't applicable.

Create a git format patch, post it on -dev and ask if anyone can push it for 
> And I have a few more general questions that don't seem to be covered in 
> the CG:
> 1)
> origin/master has moved in the meantime. I can rebase my patch without 
> conflicts in this case, but what is the general task at this point?
> - rebase my branch on origin/master
> - if that works, create a patch with patch-format
> - send it - where?

See above
> 2)
> What to do if the rebase would require changes to resolve conflicts? 
> Wouldn't the changed patch have to be reviewed first?
> (possibly causing a loop with the next rebase ...)

This occurs rarely.  Up to you to resolve the conflicts.  Make
a judgement if a further review is then justified.
> 3)
> What to do if my branch contains more than one commit?
> Should I squash them so the patch is one (big) commit? I wouldn't like 
> that, for example because I would separate commits that move stuff (e.g. 
> to other website nodes) from commits that change text (so translators 
> have easier work)?

No, leave them as separate commits and merge them into staging.
> 3b)
> Commit messages haven't been part of the review process, right?
> So basically I'm responsible that commit messages of my (multi-commit) 
> patch are accurate. Is that right?


> If yes, I think that should be documented in the CG (I can do a few 
> improvements in the CD, along getting acquainted with the process)


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