regarding editing/creating snippets says in the CG:
Fixing Snippets in LilyPond Sources
If the snippet comes from the LSR, also apply the fix to the snippet in
the LSR and send a notification email to an LSR editor with CC to the
development list – see Adding and editing snippets. The failure may
sometimes not be caused by the snippet in LSR but by the syntax
conversion made by convert-ly; in this case, try to fix convert-ly or
report the problem on the development list, then run makelsr.py again,
see LSR to Git. In some cases, when some features has been introduced or
vastly changed so it requires (or takes significant advantage of)
important changes in the snippet, it is simpler and recommended to write
a new version of the snippet in ‘Documentation/snippets/new’, then run
If the snippet comes from ‘Documentation/snippets/new’, apply the fix in
‘Documentation/snippets/new/foo.ly’, then run makelsr.py without
argument from top of the source tree:
So I have a tracker issue that recommends changing a snippet that comes
from the LSR but with a syntax that won't work with the current version
of LP in the LSR (which I think is 2.14.something right?).
So in that case if I create a new snippet, what do I do with the snippet
already created?
Delete it, or just remove it from the ref in the NR (where the example
is) and give the new snippet a different name?
I haven't done snippets for a while so have forgotten and the CG is not
clear in the matter.
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