Graham Percival <> writes:

> On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 01:57:23PM +0100, Urs Liska wrote:
>> Am 12.12.2013 04:19, schrieb Graham Percival:
>> >ok.  I also like the "applicances" tab, although I agree with you
>> >that the name might be ideal (but I also can't think of a better
>> >name right now).
>> Just a bunch of ideas:
>> We're talking about
>> - Applications of LilyPond
>> - Use of LilyPond in different contexts
>> - "Abusing" LiylPond
>> - integrating LilyPond in other tools
>> - making LilyPond part of something else
>> - using LilyPond as an engine for other tools
>> Does this trigger any ideas for a menu/page title with anybody?
> If this was aimed at programmers, I'd be tempted to call it
> "Integration" or "Library", but those would not be clear to 95%+
> of people reading the introduction.  Hmm... I have a slight
> preference for "applications" rather than "appliances"; as a
> native speaker, I think "appliances" as being things like the
> fridges, ovens, or washing machines.

Well, the proposal was literally "applicances" which is not a word.  I'd
lean towards applications.  Basically, it seems to be "LilyPond as a
building block" but that's too long for a tab name.

David Kastrup

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