On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 2:40 PM,  <tdanielsmu...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Good point.  The SA-TB template pair puts SA on one
> staff and TB on another, but in this revision it has
> only verses between.  There is no reason why it should
> not also have soprano lyrics above, bass lyrics below
> and alto and tenor lyrics in-between, with each aligning
> to their respective voices.  I'll do that in the next
> revision.  I think then all the major SATB layouts will
> be incorporated in just two template pairs.
> Trevor
> https://codereview.appspot.com/41990043/

There is that, and I realize after looking at the files again that you
did address what I was asking about. But you do bring up a good point.
Depending upon whether music is presented as through-composed or in
songbook format (with verses), there may be a need for multiple sets
of alternate (above or below staff) lyrics.

I think I share in what I get to be the general sense of many of the
comments that have been made thus far. There is a tradeoff between
ease of default use and the customizability. To use a bad and probably
over-generalized analogy, we're going from Linux (where you pretty
much have to do it yourself, but you can make it do pretty much
anything you want) to Mac (where everything is easy IF you are willing
to work within the predefined templates, and anything else is almost
impossible). We need something in between.

I don't know that this is the route to go. If our goal is to get
people using LP, I don't think that what we need is a function that
hides basic structures from the users, where if they want to go beyond
this, they have to move from two include commands to a whole new
structure. I think what we need is a stripped-down choral/SATB layout
that uses minimal overrides and extra code so that new users can
copy-and-paste and start experimenting with.

Carl P.

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