On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 09:34:28PM +0100, Urs Liska wrote:
> When I go there I can download the whole website as a PDF. OK, this
> makes sense.
> Getting it as one big HTML page also makes sense.
> [but where can I get it in info format?)

We don't provide links to the info documents, because IMO none of
them have any images built-in.  info+images only happens through a
proper "make install", so that's not something we can offer on the

> But clicking on "Web (split HTML)" brings you to a copy of the whole
> website, just several directories below the original.

I suppose we could hide that part in an @ifnothtml.

> If this page is there for the first two items I mentioned the text
> in the left box should definitely be clarified. Currently this
> "manual" leads the reader to believe that he gets yet one more
> manual, with some general information.

I wouldn't object to having a few sentences added to that box.

> And there is one more thing I stumbled over (although I don't find
> an instance of it right now): There are links from within the "real"
> manuals that seem to link to the website but actually point to that
> "web" manual (i.e. pages below lilypond.org/doc/2.17/web).

Unavoidable without a great deal of knowledge about the doc build
system and quite possibly GUB as well.

- Graham

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