Carl Peterson <> writes:

> On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 8:31 AM, James <> wrote:
>> On 13/12/13 13:04, Phil Holmes wrote:
>> Thanks for what you're doing, but please don't put a lot of images on the
>> Google Issue tracker.  For bizarre reasons only known to themselves, the
>> storage available for attachments is _very_ limited.  By accident you've
>> just used about 1/25 of our remaining quota.
> Sorry about that. I'll delete the comment once I've had a chance to
> make edits to the CSS file and produce new examples.

I seem to remember that deleting comments does not help with the quota.
Yes, that seems ludicrous.

>> What I do when i test patches that have lots of reg test diffs to display is
>> use a service like this:
> I have ways of linking in images, and have done it on other things. I
> was just trying to keep everything self-contained within the available
> services. Now that I realize this is sub-optimal, I will pursue other
> ways of distributing the screenshots.

Well, it's a trap most people fall in at least once.  It's not like that
it appears to make a whole lot of sense.

David Kastrup

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