On 2013/11/01 20:20:35, dak wrote:
On 2013/10/26 06:37:13, Keith wrote:
> The simplicity is just lovely.

Always hard to tell sarcasm from enthusiasm.

This patch does simplify things -- especially in comparison to the
version that changed behavior based on scale-factors being integral
multiples of things.  Only history makes things complicated.

> ly/engraver-init.ly:637: completionFactor = #ly:duration-scale
> We do need to keep issue 1532 fixed, since several people depend on
and expect
> that behavior.
> %% Historically, completion_heads_engraver has split integer-scaled
> %% notes into notes with no scaling   c1*3  ==>  {c1~ c1~ c1~}
>   completionFactor = #
>   (lambda (dur)
>     (let ((scale (ly:duration-scale dur)))
>          (if (integer? scale)
>               1
>               scale)))

Now that does not change that having to crank out some anonymous
lambda function for some common behavior is a bad idea.  At least the
previous default behavior should be available as a stock function, and
one can conceivably teach convert-ly to continue providing the old
inconsistent behavior via an appropriate assignment whenever one of
the completion engravers is being used.  Please remember that this old
behavior is _also_ not what "people" expected, or we would not be
having this issue.

The function above provides the old behavior.

You could make the C-code fall-back to the consistent behavior if
someone un-defines 'completionFactor'
 factor_ = robust_scm2rational("completionFactor", note_dur.factor());
Then I'll update the docs patch at
so the known-issue just says "Historically, blah blah...  \unset
completionFactor removes this inconsistency."


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