Phil Holmes wrote Thursday, September 26, 2013 3:11 PM

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Joseph Rushton Wakeling" <>
>> On 26/09/13 15:04, David Kastrup wrote:
>>> How many substantial patches would you expect yourself to be
>>> contributing in the wake of such a move per month to LilyPond?
>> Don't know.  Most of my potential contributions to Lilypond are likely to 
>> be documentation -- among other things I'd like to revisit and finish up 
>> the Contemporary Music section.
> That would be something that we desperately need.  The NR documentation on 
> Contemporary Notation is shockingly poor.  I would be prepared to accept 
> almost any form of input from you with the words that improve that section 
> of the NR and would be happy to type "git cl upload" on your behalf, in 
> order to get the patches reviewed.

Almost exactly what I was about to reply, but Phil beat me to it!  In fact I
think I remember helping you add the Contemporary music headings some
time ago, or was it someone else?

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