
2013/9/17 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:
>> This is a reminder that next weekend, Sept 20th to 24th, there will be a
>> LilyPond developer and user meeting in Waltrop, Germany.
> Ok, the current possible participant list would look like the following:
> Jan, Janek, Harm and myself.
> Quite a number of people cited a lack of time and/or money for their
> choice of not participating, so it might make sense next year to try
> organizing a traveling fund for those low on cash.
> Now all of the remaining prospective participants have mostly different
> work and interest areas.  At least I don't see work groups larger than 2
> working on a common project here.
> It's not like I'm going places: I'll likely be there at the weekend
> anyhow if someone wants to get some project move forward, but I think
> that for an "official" meeting, we again are below the threshold that
> makes real sense.
> Let's see whether we get something going next August.
> --
> David Kastrup

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