
sorry - this email slipped past my eyes...

2013/9/9 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> philehol...@googlemail.com writes:
>> error: some local refs could not be updated; try running
>>  'git remote prune origin' to remove any old, conflicting branches
> Well, yes.  Either do that, or look up how to prune just dev/janek.  He
> first created this as a branch, then changed it to a branch directory.

Indeed, i had some trouble with this myself because i wasn't aware of
how git works in this area.

2013/9/9 Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net>:
> As you see, I have had problems running patchy-staging. I had this same
> problem yesterday with my normal development machine, but running 'git
> remote prune origin' as suggested, fixed it. I can't seem to get the same to
> work on my patchy VM.
> Janek - can you fix this so that git fetch works, please?

I apologize for not replying in time; however, as David pointed out,
there was not much that i could do since the problem was in your local


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