
sorry for delay...

2013/8/23 Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org>:
> "Janek Warchoł" <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com> schrieb:
>>I've realized that while git log is enough for viewing code,
>>commenting on it should be made more convenient - sorry!  I've
>>uploaded the diff to Rietveld: https://codereview.appspot.com/13051044
>>(i hope that it will be a good solution - is there anyone not familiar
>>with Rietveld?  I can explain how things work there).
> I'm not familiar with Rietveld at all but would be interested ...
> Another viable solution would be the discussed Github fork.
> They offer nice tools to comment on commits and code lines.

Conceptually Rietveld is quite similar to commenting on commits via
Github web interface.  Two main differrencies are that Rietveld uses a
side-by-side view (more convenient imo) and that it doesn't show
commits separately.


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