On 24 août 2013, at 10:18, lemzw...@googlemail.com wrote:

> LGTM, except of using `surrogate' in the name.  Given that the stencil
> dimensions are actively overridden on request, I would like rather like
> having `override'.  For me, the word `surrogate' suggests something
> passive.
> https://codereview.appspot.com/12957047/

The definition reads:

a substitute, esp. a person deputizing for another in a specific role or 
office: she was regarded as thesurrogate for the governor during his final 
• (in the Christian Church) a bishop's deputy who grants marriage licenses.
• a judge in charge of probate, inheritance, and guardianship.
ORIGIN early 17th cent.: from Latin surrogatus, past participle of surrogare 
‘elect as a substitute,’ from super- ‘over’ + rogare ‘ask.’

Surrogate suggests both overriding and substitution.  Here, we substitute one 
stencil's skyline for another stencil's.

However, I am definitely not wed to the name surrogate.  If people like 
override better I can do that.

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