David Kastrup wrote:
I vote to go ahead with adding \displayMarkup.

Huh?  Can you name a _single_ advantage that is gained
by having \displayMarkup (which is only different from
\displayScheme by refusing to accept a number of
arguments) instead of \displayScheme?

Of course not.  I meant let's add \displayMarkup or
\displayScheme as opposed to Harm's or Ian's more generic

Also, what is the issue with my original wording?  Seems
clear and concise compared to the other suggestions:
"To prevent the markup from printing on the page, use
`\void \displayScheme markup'."

I didn't add a @ref to where \void was previously
explained because reading 13 words is easier than
following a link and finding the paragraph containing the
relevant material in a separate section, which in that
specific case, was buried at the very end (Extending 1.3.1
"Displaying music expressions").

I *did* add a @ref to the "save to an external file" stuff
because that's more involved.

I've uploaded the latest incarnation.

- Mark


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