
This morning during a patch test I had a patch fail during make doc.

The error log refers to a snippet name, which I know is generated fresh
each time.

However when I grep part of the snippet name that includes the snippet
number I come up (in this case anyway) with a few different files

so find . | grep snippet-names-1703404056

gives me:


This list includes the *.log file where I find the error message.

However, the error message doesn't necessarily tell me (at least that
clearly) where the error occurred and more often than not it is very hard
to pin down when using multi core make.

But in this case, I can see that the snippet number is very specific and
while the *.ly file just points to a few dozen other explicit *.ly files,
does the fact that this list contains *violin* as part of the output mean
anything that might help in this case (just as a for instance)?

I cannot find any *.ly file with violin-1 so was wondering where this file
is generated from or if it is always generated as part of lilypond-book
when it builds doc and so I'd _always_ see this *violin-1.notes file.

Thanks for any insights.

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