File scm/output-svg.scm (right): scm/output-svg.scm:545: (if close-link This code is too horrible to contemplate. Setting a global variable in this manner for passing state is not appropriate. I suggest that you instead pass the result of calling grob-cause as an argument to no-origin. That would be in line 61 in lily/ That way, no-origin has a better way of figuring out its best course of action. Renaming no-origin to end-grob-cause in the process might be prudent as well. I actually can't see immediately from the code how one would arrive at the grob-cause expression. Can (*func), apparently a void function (?) be made to return it by default? At any rate, we need a better way for the relevant information to travel from grob-cause to no-origin than the current one. Perhaps both can be morphed into a single call returning a format string that is then applied to the formatted entity in question? _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list