On 2013/03/02 07:30:11, Keith wrote:

On 2013/02/28 05:57:45, dak wrote:

> I think we have a special span bar at the start,
The bar at the start is a SystemStartBar, which was not affected by
the recent
span-bar bug.  You might want an extra measure, and a final bar, then.
some note in the texidoc saying that this test should have span bars.

I think that this issue can be made to explode into arbitrary overkill.
I'd rather just commit it as-is and leave further improvements to
whoever considers them really pressing.  There is at least one span bar
now, and a multimeasure rest (I seem to remember that those were
somewhat weak in metrics as well, but whether or not this is the case,
this is about the most simple content for another staff anyway).


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