Jan-Peter Voigt <jp.vo...@gmx.de> writes:

> Hello list,
> while trying to create a cueDuringWithLyrics command, I stumbled over
> an issue:
> To make the mentioned command, I create SimultaneousMusic containing
> 1. the music of the main voice (usually rests)
> 2. a named CueVoice containing quoteDuring
> 3. a Lyrics context, associated to the CueVoice
> If there are no Lyrics, this works as expected. If the Lyrics context
> has syllables until the end of the CueVoice *and* the music-length of
> the main Voice is less or equal to the music-length of the CueVoice,
> the timing of music after this SimultaneousMusic passage is
> "disturbed".
> I attached an example containaing two scores, displaying this issue.
> Can someone deal with this?

I think this may be

\lyricsto may turn into a voice-mangling zombie when both parents die at
the same time

David Kastrup

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