Reviewers: lemzwerg, thomasmorley65,

On 2012/12/28 15:09:24, thomasmorley65 wrote:

Two questions:
a) Where is `identity´ defined? I can't find it, neither in LilyPond
nor in the

Huh.  The Guile2 manual shows its definition.  It's a common function
and is equivalent to (lambda (x) x).
I had not been aware that its documentation is deficient in Guile1.

b) Why are the definitions in lily-library.scm not all (or nearly all)
Some examples:

I see no reason _not_ to make them public.

Actually, that would be the perfect reason to throw them out when they
are not being used in our current code base.  Apart from "other-axis",
they are not really specific to LilyPond and don't offer significant
advantages over the standard Guile libraries.

Simplify several library functions.

Most of those do not even seem to be used.  Maybe one should instead
remove them instead of having to maintain bit-rot prone stuff.

Simplify hash-table->alist, alist->hash-table, functional-or,
functional-and, list-element-index

Simplify first-member and first-assoc

Please review this at

Affected files:
  M scm/lily-library.scm

Index: scm/lily-library.scm
diff --git a/scm/lily-library.scm b/scm/lily-library.scm
index da04e6c89662e769015a0f8e2b0b3491d3378de6..cd9fb5b9a23ec4c75fd5430ceb8089a56aa5a737 100644
--- a/scm/lily-library.scm
+++ b/scm/lily-library.scm
@@ -411,17 +411,11 @@ bookoutput function"
 (define-public (first-member members lst)
   "Return first successful member (of member) from @var{members} in
-  (if (null? members)
-      #f
-      (let ((m (member (car members) lst)))
-       (if m m (first-member (cdr members) lst)))))
+  (any (lambda (m) (member m lst)) members))

 (define-public (first-assoc keys lst)
   "Return first successful assoc of key from @var{keys} in @var{lst}."
-  (if (null? keys)
-      #f
-      (let ((k (assoc (car keys) lst)))
-       (if k k (first-assoc (cdr keys) lst)))))
+  (any (lambda (k) (assoc k lst)) keys))

 (define-public (flatten-alist alist)
   (if (null? alist)
@@ -477,30 +471,23 @@ For example:
 ;; hash

 (define-public (hash-table->alist t)
-  (hash-fold (lambda (k v acc) (acons  k v  acc))
-            '() t))
+  (hash-fold acons '() t))

 ;; todo: code dup with C++.
 (define-safe-public (alist->hash-table lst)
   "Convert alist to table"
   (let ((m (make-hash-table (length lst))))
-    (map (lambda (k-v) (hashq-set! m (car k-v) (cdr k-v))) lst)
+    (for-each (lambda (k-v) (hashq-set! m (car k-v) (cdr k-v))) lst)

 ;; list

 (define (functional-or . rest)
-  (if (pair? rest)
-      (or (car rest)
-          (apply functional-or (cdr rest)))
-      #f))
+  (any identity rest))

 (define (functional-and . rest)
-  (if (pair? rest)
-      (and (car rest)
-          (apply functional-and (cdr rest)))
-      #t))
+  (every identity rest))

 (define (split-list lst n)
   "Split LST in N equal sized parts"
@@ -518,14 +505,7 @@ For example:
   (helper lst (make-vector n '()) (1- n)))

 (define (list-element-index lst x)
-  (define (helper todo k)
-    (cond
-     ((null? todo) #f)
-     ((equal? (car todo) x) k)
-     (else
-      (helper (cdr todo) (1+ k)))))
-  (helper lst 0))
+  (list-index (lambda (m) (equal? m x))))

 (define-public (count-list lst)
   "Given @var{lst} as @code{(E1 E2 .. )}, return

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