Hi team,

Most lilypond GUI projects (Frescobaldi, Denemo) I have seen implement
a wrapper in lilypond. I am investigating the possibility to transform
lilypond in a more interactive compiler. I have little understanding
of the code for now, and noticed that before start to parse
Lily_parser executes a huge amount of code loading init.ly and his
sons. Could that loading process be isolated, pre executed and
maintained in memory to serve posterior requests?

Following the same thinking line could the data structure (contexts,
music, property, graphical objects) be maintained in memory and
changed as user input changes. Some user changes would affect only one
graphical object and maybe trigger a reformatting, others would affect
a property object and trigger a partial recompiling, others would
affect the ly file and require compiling from scratch.

I may be saying a lot of non sense, but I would like to know in
details why is this a bad (very bad) idea!

Best regards
João E. Pereira Jr

lilypond-devel mailing list

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