On 7 nov. 2012, at 00:50, d...@gnu.org wrote:

> http://codereview.appspot.com/6584045/diff/13014/input/regression/note-head-style.ly#newcode108
>> > input/regression/note-head-style.ly:108: \override Staff.Dots.style
> =
>> > #'kievan
>> > Why can't we use the new function here, e.g.,
>> >
>> > \kievanOn
>> >
>> \kievenOn only works on the voice level and the overrides happen on
> the staff
>> level.
> How about making \pattern a music function taking a context
> modification as argument?  Then you could write
> \pattern \with { \override NoteHead.style = #'slash }
> \pattern \with { \kievanOn }
> \pattern \with { ... }
> and just pass the context mod on to the \new Voice within \pattern.
> It seems awkward to use Staff-wide overrides here.
> By the way: it's frightening how fast one gets used to the new
> override syntax.  I had to think really hard about whether this was
> supposed to be different previously or not.  And then it seems strange
> that there would have been no dot.

I'm not exactly sure how this'd be done - if it's OK w/ you, I'll push the 
patch after a countdown and then you can propose a followup patch.  Sorry - I 
have been out of the loop for a bit and am not up-to-date on the most recent 
syntax modifications.

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