2012/10/27 David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Thomas Morley
> <thomasmorle...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Also: rather than simply translating the dashed-line stencil command,
>>> it might be nice to ensure that you can't get that ugly dot at the end
>>> of the line or having it end with a space.when you haven't guessed the
>>> right on/off combination,
>> Well, perhaps I'm lazy, but I'd let it to the user finding appropriate 
>> values.
> Really :(   I have terrible memories of making scores with Finale.
> According to the screen, the line ending would be perfect.  On the
> printout, there would be that snipped-off line.

Hi David (N),

(switching to devel)

I did some research about draw-line and dashed-line.

draw-line and dashed-line are very deep nested in the source-code:

The markup-command `draw-line´ uses `make-line-stencil´

`make-line-stencil´ is defined in stencil.scm via
      (list 'draw-line width startx starty endx endy)

`draw-line´ is defined in output-ps.scm and output-svg.scm
  (define (draw-line thick x1 y1 x2 y2) ...

Down too C++ (but here I have to drop the ball), draw-line is mentioned in:

  Line_interface::make_line (Real th, Offset from, Offset to)

  static Stencil make_line (Real th, Offset from, Offset to);

dashed-line very similiar in:

output-ps.scm and output-svg.scm

but no occurence in stencil.scm

For the sake of consistency to Glissando- and Textspanners 'style
'dashed-line I'd prefer to use said dashed-line in the new definition,
But it is not that easy to deal with it, if you want to avoid small
tips or space at line-end.

Currently I've no success.

Maybe one could construct a dashed-line by adding 'round-filled-boxes,
as it is done for the dashed-bar-line.



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