On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 10:50 AM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> Are there any limitations?  For example,
>> would \un\clef and \un\key result in
>> - reverting to previous clef/key
>> - something strange
>> - syntax error
> Something strange is most likely.  \set does not really maintain a
> stack, so \unset just kills the context-dependent value.

Something strange happened, indeed. This:
  \key a \major \clef F
  cis dis c e
  \un\key a\major \un\clef F
  cis fis c e
produced a treble clef glyph (but it didn't affect notnotese
positions) and accidentals that were still in a major.
Also, i couldn't just write \un\key nor \un\clef.
I think it would be good to polish this, so that this either works or
always produces syntax error.


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