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2012/10/6 Thomas Morley <>:
> 2012/10/6 David Kastrup <>:
>> If my comments are above even your level, then it is not really
>> surprising that I get little to no reviews.  That does not leave much of
>> an audience.

Well, concerning reviewing patches, I've sometimes the following
_general_ problems
Lack of english-language-skills
This is my _most_ common problem.
Lack of knowledge about C++ or LilyPond-internals.
But I'm always trying to learn more. Due to (sometimes) very limited
time-resources I do learn slowly, but I don't forget what I've lerned
(in general :) )
LilyDev and testing/applying patches
I still have some problems dealing with this and the git-commands.

Would be nice if you could add code-examples to your comments on every
patch you make. I know, you do that already but perhaps some larger

Regarding <URL:> :
You _had_ added a code-example. But I didn't imagine the consequences.
Well, this was half a year ago, I'm quite sure I would understand more today.

BTW, you sometimes write large (and sometimes technical) explanations
(most recent:
I highly appreciate them, I _always_ learn something new.



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