On 2012/09/12 11:48:45, mike7 wrote:

> lily/chord-name-engraver.cc:87: {
> On 2012/09/06 08:50:40, dak wrote:
>> What kind of contorted logic and guessing game is that?
>> if (make_markup)
>> {
>>    [old code ending in setting "text"]
>> }
>> Please don't obfuscate code just to save reindentation.
> This comment has not been addressed.

I think I misunderstood your comment

I have a hard time finding an interpretation where doing nothing is
the proper remedy.

- could you show what you mean by proposing
an alternative (in pseudo-code if you'd like) to the code that's in

I did it in pseudo-code above, and you ignored it.  So let's do it in
straight code.

The diff to the original has the form

- if (rest_event_)
+ if (rest_event_ && !make_markup) { }
+ else if (rest_event_)
       SCM no_chord_markup = get_property ("noChordSymbol");
       if (!Text_interface::is_markup (no_chord_markup))
    } else

when it should rather have the form

  if (rest_event_)
-       SCM no_chord_markup = get_property ("noChordSymbol");
-       if (!Text_interface::is_markup (no_chord_markup))
+     if (make_markup)
+       {
+         SCM no_chord_markup = get_property ("noChordSymbol");
+         if (!Text_interface::is_markup (no_chord_markup))
+       }
    } else

> lily/chord-name-engraver.cc:136: markup = scm_call_4 (name_proc,
> pitches, bass, inversion,
> On 2012/09/06 08:50:40, dak wrote:
>> You do all the calculation and then throw it away?  Where is the
> point?
> This comment has not been addressed.  If neither rest_event nor
> make_markup are set, you calculate pitches, bass, inversion and
> them away.

I'm not sure what you mean - every time these are calculated, these
are used on
line 139.

Only if make_markup is set.  Otherwise you calculate them and throw
them away.

Why?  Why do all the work in the case where make_markup is not even
set?  Why not skip all that much earlier when make_markup is not set?

> lily/chord-name-engraver.cc:149: && ly_is_equal (chord_as_scm,
> last_chord_))
> On 2012/09/06 09:59:09, MikeSol wrote:
>> On 2012/09/06 08:50:40, dak wrote:
>> > If one is doing the chord calculation manually, you can't make
> decision of
>> > whether a chord changed based on the automatic calculation.  For
> better or
>> > worse, you need to compare the computed chord versions/text.
>> To respond to your points above, I don't throw away the values
> because
>> they're used here.
> I don't see where the current code version would use them.  Can you
> point that out to me?

They're no longer used as per your suggestion to compare text
instead of these values.

And is there a reason the logic of the code is not changed to reflect
the changes of the code?


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